发布时间:2025-02-08 08:19:02 作者:大众娱乐 点击量: 303
The New York Times Company will invest more than $50 million over the next three years to support an ambitious plan to expand its international digital audience and increase revenue outside the United States, the company said on Thursday. The Times has formed a new team, NYT Global, to lead the effort. 纽约时报公司(The New York Times Company)周四宣告,将在接下来的三年投资逾5000万美元,反对一个志向远大的计划:不断扩大时报的全球数字受众群体,减少美国以外市场的营收。公司早已正式成立了一个新的团队,取名为NYT Global。“Because our digital report is still designed and produced mainly for a U.S. audience, we have not come close to realizing our potential to attract readers outside our home market,” Arthur Sulzberger Jr., The Times’s publisher; Mark Thompson, its chief executive; and Dean Baquet, its executive editor, wrote in a memo to employees. About the $50 million investment, they said: “We are confident this will be a down payment on a new era of international growth for our company.” “我们的数字报导依然主要是为美国的受众设计制作的,因此,我们还相比之下没认识到我们更有海外市场读者的潜力,”时报出版发行人小阿瑟·苏兹伯格(Arthur Sulzberger Jr.)、首席执行官马克·汤姆森(Mark Thompson)、继续执行主编迪恩·巴奎(Dean Baquet)在一份发给员工的备忘录中写到。
关于这5000万美元的投资,他们说道:“我们坚信,这不会是我们为了公司国际快速增长新时代代价的一笔首付款。” Joe Kahn, an assistant masthead editor for international, will lead NYT Global’s editorial strategy alongside Stephen Dunbar-Johnson, the international president, who will oversee the business operations. Lydia Polgreen, deputy international editor, will become an associate masthead editor and editorial director for NYT Global. 国际新闻主编周看(Joe Kahn)将负责管理NYT Global的编采战略。国际部总裁史蒂芬·丹巴-约翰逊(Stephen Dunbar-Johnson)将主持人商务运营。
国际部副主编莉迪亚·博尔格林(Lydia Polgreen)将负责管理NYT Global的编务。Just as The Times pushed beyond its local boundaries to become a national newspaper in the 1990s, the executives said in the memo that they now saw the “ opportunity to become an indispensable leader in global news and opinion” by expanding its presence outside the country’s borders. 各位主管在备忘录中写到:20世纪90年代,《纽约时报》突破了本地界限,沦为一份全国性的报纸,他们现在看见一个“机会”,突破国界,“沦为全球新闻评论界不可或缺的领导者”。The Times outlined a strategy in October to double its digital revenue to $800 million by 2020, from $400 million in 2014. The company was “setting even more ambitious targets for our international growth,” according to the memo. 去年10月,时报制订了发展战略,到2020年做数字内容营收缩减到,从2014年的4亿美元超过8亿美元。备忘录说道:公司还在“为我们的国际快速增长制订更加远大的目标”。
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