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不拼数量拼质量 苹果无广告版Spotlight搜索服务叫板谷歌|大众娱乐

发布时间:2025-02-06 08:19:01    作者:大众娱乐    点击量: 312

本文摘要:The developers in the audience at WWDC may have missed the significance of the attention Apple AAPL 1.41% paid Monday to Spotlight — the little magnifying glass on the top right hand corner of the Mac’s home screen — but Ad Age didn’t.周一开会的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,开发者们有可能忽视了苹果对于Spotlight的推崇程度,但行业资讯网站广告时代Ad Age却注意到了这一点。

The developers in the audience at WWDC may have missed the significance of the attention Apple AAPL 1.41% paid Monday to Spotlight — the little magnifying glass on the top right hand corner of the Mac’s home screen — but Ad Age didn’t.周一开会的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,开发者们有可能忽视了苹果对于Spotlight的推崇程度,但行业资讯网站广告时代Ad Age却注意到了这一点。Spotlight是Mac电脑主屏幕右上角的一个小放大镜图标。When it was released in 2005, Spotlight was simply a quick and convenient way to search the contents of your local hard drive — to locate a document, say, or a lost e-mail. It’s been quietly gathering power with each new iteration: doubling as a calculator or a dictionary and offering Boolean (and/or) searches.苹果2005年就发售了Spotlight,最初只是一种搜寻本地硬盘内容的便利方式——比如查找文件或遗失的邮件等。

而它每一次更新,都预示着功能的大大强化:如今的Spotlight既可用于计算器或词典,也可获取布尔(和/或)搜寻。But in OS X Yosemite, the new Mac operating system unveiled Monday, Spotlight comes front and center — literally. When you tap on the magnifying glass, a search window pops up in the middle of the screen. And when you type a few characters, it doesn’t just search your local computer, it searches the Internet as well, delivering maps, Wikipedia articles and Web results stripped of their ads. Repeat: Stripped of their ads.而在周一公布的近期Mac操作系统OS X Yosemite中,Spotlight被推向了台前的中心方位——最少从形式上看显然是这样。页面放大镜后,屏幕中央会弹出有一个搜寻窗口。

输出文字之后,Spotlight不仅不会搜寻本地计算机,还不会展开互联网搜寻,获取地图、维基百科(Wikipedia)文章和除去广告后的网页搜寻结果。留意:是除去广告后的搜寻结果。Microsoft MSFT -1.23% is delighted that Apple is using its Bing service to search the Web. “Last year Bing became the default web search for Siri, and will now also be the default web search provider in the redesigned Spotlight search feature for the next generation of iOS and OS X,” a Microsoft spokesperson told Ad Age. “We’re excited about extending the Bing platform to help iOS and Mac customers find what they need to get things done.”微软公司(Microsoft)很高兴看见苹果利用合于(Bing)获取网页搜寻服务。

一位微软公司发言人告诉他Ad Age:“去年,合于沦为语音助手Siri的配置文件网页搜索引擎;而在新一代iOS与OS X中,合于将作为更新后的Spotlight搜寻服务的配置文件网页搜寻服务提供商。需要拓展合于平台,协助iOS与Mac用户查询他们必须的信息,我们深感十分激动。”Google GOOG -1.62% will not be so happy. Advertising — especially U.S. search advertising — pays for nearly everything Google does, from building driverless cars to wiring whole cities with fiber optics. According to eMarketer estimates, Google took in 70.8% of the $19.92 billion spent on U.S. search advertising last year.但谷歌(Google)难道会快乐。从设计无人驾驶汽车,到建设光纤城市,谷歌每一个项目的资金,完全都来自广告业务,特别是在是美国搜寻广告业务。

据市场调查公司eMarketer估算,美国去年的搜索引擎广告支出为199.2亿美元,其中大约70.8%被谷歌收益囊中。If Apple hopes to disrupt Google by giving the information away for free, it’s got its work cut out for it. As Ad Age poins out:苹果如果期望通过免费获取信息来妨碍谷歌的运营,那它还有很长一段路要回头。正如Ad Age认为:“Apple’s search tool shows only a few results per query, meaning a lot less real estate for results. That means Apple would have to prove that its small number of results are accurate enough to fulfill someone’s query. Good-enough search has never been enough to unseat or take share from Google.”“苹果搜寻工具每次查找只表明很少的几个结果。






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