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发布时间:2025-02-01 08:19:01    作者:大众娱乐    点击量: 930

本文摘要:China will become the worlds largest production base for display screens as early as 2019 as money flows into assembly lines, industrial associations have said.据涉及行业协会回应,随着资金流向装配线,我国最先将在2019年沦为全球仅次于的平板表明生产基地。

China will become the worlds largest production base for display screens as early as 2019 as money flows into assembly lines, industrial associations have said.据涉及行业协会回应,随着资金流向装配线,我国最先将在2019年沦为全球仅次于的平板表明生产基地。Investment in assembly lines planned or under construction for producing display screens for TVs, computers, smartphones and other devices has reached 800 billion yuan (around 120 billion U.S. dollars).我国已宣告规划和开建的电视、电脑、智能手机及其他设备的平板表明生产线,总投资额已约8000亿元(大约1200亿美元)。LCD panels alone have received more than 500 billion yuan, according to data from the China Video Industry Association and the China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufacturers Association.据中国电子视像协会和中国光学光电子行业协会的数据表明,仅有液晶面板投资就多达了5000亿元。

The associations expect the country will overtake the Republic of Korea (ROK) to have the largest production capacity globally.这两个协会预测,我国将打破韩国,享有全球仅次于的生产能力。In the first half of the year, the aggregate area of Chinas display shipments stood at 57 million square meters, a third of the worlds total and second only to the ROK.今年上半年,我国表明面板销售面积大约5700万平方米,占到全球出货量的三分之一左右,次于韩国,居于全球第二位。

The shipments will continue to improve with more production lines put into operation, said Yi Xianjing, a fellow with Beijing-based market research company All View Cloud.北京市场调研公司奥维云的研究员易贤競回应:“随着更好的涉及产线相继量产,接下来我国面板出货量还将持续不断扩大。”Chinas display manufacturing has gained steam, with booming production and rising corporate profits. Domestic brands have also broken the dominance of imported high-end OLED panels.随着产量的提升、利润的下跌,中国的面板生产获得了蓬勃发展。






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